Alternative to Video Evidence for Illinois Candidates: Options and Instructions

A video recording is the most authentic evidence of teaching and learning and is permissible and encouraged for Illinois teacher candidates. However, effective August 6, 2021, Illinois teacher candidates may not be required to submit test materials by video submission for edTPA Task 2, Part A (and Task 3 if applicable) as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements PDF.

Candidates must follow all directions in their edTPA subject-specific handbook WITH THE SOLE EXCEPTION of the directions for submitting a video recording. If candidates are completing edTPA in a VLE, they should review Evidence Requirements and Considerations for edTPA in a Virtual Learning Environment. Candidates should also review the Options and Instructions listed below that will allow them to capture the appropriate alternative to video evidence that will be scored according to the edTPA rubrics.

Options, Decisions, and Instructions for Submitting Alternative to Video Evidence

Alternative Evidence Options

Illinois teacher candidates who choose to submit an alternative form of evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence must consider the learning goals and activities within their learning segment and work with their educator preparation program (EPP) to determine which of the alternative to video evidence options is most appropriate to complete their subject-specific edTPA portfolio. NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply to video evidence for Task 3.

Below in the Flow Chart for Selecting the Appropriate Option to Submit an Alternative to Video Evidence, there are options to help candidates determine which type of alternative evidence they will submit. Candidates must consider the learning goals and activities within their learning segment and work with their EPP to determine which of the alternative evidence options listed is most appropriate. After identifying the option, candidates, in partnership with their EPP, should review and follow the Instructions for Alternative to Video Evidence before teaching the learning segment.

chart outlining alternative evidence options

Flow Chart for Selecting the Appropriate Option to Submit an Alternative to Video Evidence

Is the candidate able to audio record their teaching and students' learning?

  • Yes
    • Do the learning goals require students to physically perform or physically demonstrate learning (for example, demonstrating psychomotor skills, using manipulatives or other materials, pointing to an answer, correct finger placement on a musical instrument)?
      • Yes
        • Is the candidate able to submit the audio clip(s)?
          • Yes: Follow the instructions for Option A: Audio Clip(s) with Observation Notes.
          • No: Follow the instructions for Option B: Transcript of Audio Clip(s) with Observation Notes.
      • No
        • Is the candidate able to submit the audio clip(s)?
          • Yes: Follow the instructions for Option C: Audio Clip(s).
          • No: Follow the instructions for Option D: Transcript of Audio Clip(s).
  • No
    • Do the learning goals require students to physically perform or physically demonstrate learning (e.g., pointing to an answer, motor skills, correct finger placement on a musical instrument)?
      • Yes: Follow the instructions for Option E: Observation Notes for Physical Performance.
      • No: Follow the instructions for Option F: Observation Notes.

Decisions and Instructions for Collecting and Submitting Alternative to Video Evidence

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