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Candidate Policies
Please review the following polices about your participation in edTPA. You will be required to indicate that you have had an opportunity to review them prior to registering and prior to submitting your portfolio.
Please contact us if you have any questions about any of these policies or about the Pearson ePortfolio system.
Registration Policies
Assessment fees:
- $300 for full assessment or full retake
- $300 for 3-task retake (Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 and Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4 only)
- $200 for 2-task retake
- $100 for single-task retake
Payment information. Registration fees must be paid using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identification number (PIN), and/or with a voucher code supplied by the candidate's educator preparation program. Bank cards without a VISA or MasterCard logo cannot be accepted. The merchant name that will appear on your credit card statement is "Eval Systems Test Fee."
Vouchers. Vouchers may be available through your educator preparation program. Please check with your advisor for information about eligibility requirements.
If you obtain a voucher, you must enter your voucher code into the system during the registration process. Vouchers cannot be applied retroactively to existing registrations.
If you have any outstanding balance owed for your edTPA registration after the score reporting date associated with the date you submitted your assessment, your scores for that assessment may be permanently voided and therefore not reported to you; to the relevant state agency responsible for educator certification, if applicable; or to any educator preparation program.
The following policies apply to you when you have an outstanding balance for edTPA registration or services:
- You will be assessed a $20 fee to cover the processing required to clear your account.
- You will not be allowed to register for future assessments until your balance, which includes the additional fee, is paid in full.
- Any credits or refunds for which you may be eligible will be applied first to your outstanding debt, with any excess to be returned to you.
If a credit card charge for an edTPA registration or service for you is disputed:
- You may not be allowed to make any future payments by credit card.
- You must make your payment to clear your account by cashier's check or money order only.
- If you attempt to pay for any further services by cashier's check or money order before clearing your account, any payments received will be applied first to your outstanding debt, with any excess applied to the requested services.
If you wish to update your answers to any background question(s) you provided during registration, you may do so through your account at any time before submitting your portfolio up to 18 months after you register.
If you have registered but not yet submitted your assessment for scoring, you may change your assessment content area within the first 30 days of registration by contacting Pearson Customer Support. Any changes made to the assessment area after the 30-day window has expired are subject to the terms outlined in the Withdrawal/Refund policy.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy
If you have registered for edTPA, have not yet submitted your assessment for scoring, and would like to withdraw your registration, you may do so by logging in to your account on this website, selecting Current Registrations, then Withdraw, and following the instructions provided.
If you withdraw your registration within 18 months of your registration date, you will receive a partial refund of payment made by you toward your assessment fee, up to: $200 for a full assessment, $180 for a 3-task retake (Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 and Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4 only), $120 for a 2-task retake, or $60 for a single-task retake. In most cases, your refund will be issued by Evaluation Systems within one week of your request; however, some requests may take additional time to resolve. If you do not withdraw before the 18-month window has expired, you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind. If you applied a voucher toward your fee when you registered, you will receive no refund or credit of the voucher amount.
Once you withdraw your registration, you will no longer be able to view or edit your portfolio in the Pearson system. If you want to retain a copy of your portfolio, be sure to save your files prior to withdrawing your registration.
Within the first 30 days of registration, you can switch the assessment content area. Please see the "Changing Your Registration" policy for details.
Assessment Policies

Before you record your classroom instruction, ensure that you have the appropriate permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video recording. You should consult with your preparation program for other specific information that may be required in the release form.
The release forms are not to be submitted with your materials, but you should follow your preparation program policy for retaining them.
Read the requirements below in order to determine whether or not you must provide an English language translation for the handbook field you are submitting.
- For World Language and Classical Languages, no translation is required.
- For Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4, Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4, Elementary Literacy, and Elementary Mathematics, no translation is required if the language of instruction is Spanish.
- For Special Education with a specialty area of Deaf and Hearing Impaired, no translation is required if the language of instruction is American Sign Language.
- For English as an Additional Language, translations are necessary only when highlighting key exchanges that reveal students' content understandings and/or language proficiency. Translations do not need to be a full transcript and can be provided within the commentary and noted with video clip time-stamps.
- For all other subject area edTPA submissions, the use of a language other than English requires a translation for video, instructional materials, etc.
Note: Materials that must be translated into English should be added to the original materials as part of the same file or, if applicable, to the end of the commentary template. There is no page limit for required translations into English.
For additional information, please refer to your assessment handbook.

When you have completed your work and are ready to submit your portfolio, you will be required to consent to the following set of submission agreements:
Options. Candidates who do not meet their educator preparation program or state requirement may retake the assessment by choosing one the following options:
- retaking the full assessment: $300 retake fee
- retaking 3 tasks (Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 and Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4 only): $300 retake fee
- retaking 2 tasks: $200 retake fee
- retaking a single task: $100 retake fee
Candidates should consult with their advisor before proceeding with a retake and can find important information in Guidelines for edTPA Retake Decision-making and Support .
Before registering, candidates should review the Instructions for edTPA Retake . This guide contains important registration and submission information.
Retake limits. While there is no national limit to the number of retakes possible, there may be state- or educator preparation program-level limits on retakes. Review the edTPA guidelines for your state for additional information about retakes, if available.
A candidate can register for only one retake at a time (either full-assessment retake or partial retake). Candidates must wait to receive scores from their last submission before they can register for another retake.
Score void. If edTPA scores were voided as a final determination of the administrative review process, a candidate will submit a full assessment retake to receive scores for the fulfillment of program and/or state requirements. Review the guidance provided in the Instructions for edTPA Retake .
Registration. To register to retake edTPA, go to the Candidates / Register page and follow the instructions provided.
Submission and Reporting Dates
Review the edTPA submission and reporting dates.
Score Reporting Policies
Administrative Review
Candidates registering for the edTPA assessment acknowledge and agree to the policies governing the edTPA program, including the Rules of Assessment Participation, at the time of registration. Candidates are also required to attest to their adherence to specific program policies at the time of their edTPA portfolio submission. As part of these rules and policies, candidates are advised that failure to comply with the rules, requirements, and policies specified or referenced on the current edTPA website, the candidate's edTPA results may be voided and other actions may be taken by Evaluation Systems, the candidate's educator preparation program, or associated State Agency.
During official scoring, portions of a candidate's submitted materials are screened for originality by official scorers and detection software. Portfolios are identified for Administrative Review if screening indicates a match of identical or similar language with other sources. Screening for each subject area includes analysis of matched language across any and all source(s), including previously submitted portfolios.
Once under Administrative Review, portfolios undergo an analysis by multiple reviewers. At the conclusion of the Administrative Review, if the reviewers are unable to confirm the originality of any part of the submission, all scores related to the portfolio under review will be voided.
If the final decision is to release the scores, the candidate will be contacted and told when the score report will be available for viewing in his/her account. In some cases, the candidate may receive a letter indicating that materials demonstrate a possible violation of the Rules of Assessment Participation and cautioning the candidate to comply with edTPA assessment rules in the future.
Prior to the voiding the scores, candidates are given an opportunity to provide information, other than the portfolio materials submitted for official scoring, that may support the originality of the candidate's submitted materials. After reviewing information provided by the candidate and after considering the final recommendation of the Administrative Review committee, Evaluation Systems or the state authority may determine to either exit the portfolio from Administrative Review to proceed to official score reporting or to void all scores related to that submission.
Information provided by a candidate as part of an appeal may be shared with the state licensing agency and/or Educator Preparation Program for additional investigation.
Score Delays
The originality checking process is instigated at the time of candidate submission, and screening and additional manual reviews are scheduled to occur prior to the release of scores for any given edTPA results release date. In the event that the Administrative Review process is not complete by the scheduled score release date, the scores associated with the submission(s) under investigation will be held until the review is complete. In order to protect the privacy of the candidate and the integrity of the results reporting process, detailed information about the basis for the administrative review is not available to candidates or programs during this time.
Queries related to Administrative Review status can be directed to the Office of Assessment Practice at ES-OfficeAssessmentPractice@pearson.com.
Voiding of Scores
If edTPA scores were voided as a final determination of the administrative review process, the candidate will be advised of the score void via email. Per the Rules of Assessment Participation, candidates are not eligible for a refund of assessment fees and would be required to register and submit new payment for a future edTPA full assessment retake submission if results are voided.
The State Agency and the educator preparation program claimed by the candidate at the time of registration and submission, to which edTPA results would be released, will also be notified if a candidate's results are voided. The flagged and source materials that were reviewed as part of the investigation may also be provided to the relevant state agency depending on state policy.
Candidates may review the edTPA Retake Policy and find important information in Guidelines for edTPA Retake Decision-making and Support . Before registering, candidates should review the Instructions for edTPA Retake
. This guide contains important registration and submission information on the edTPA retake process.
Queries related to Administrative Review status can be directed to the Office of Assessment Practice at ES-OfficeAssessmentPractice@pearson.com.
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